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Beast Shaper (Giant Robot Archetype)

Giant robots sometimes learn how to take alternate forms, including that of natural creatures such as animals and magical beasts. The beast shaper is capable of transforming itself into several such beings for long periods of time, which allows it to perform reconnaissance without giving away its true form.

Saving Throws: A beast shaper’s Will save progression is poor (1/3 of hits adventurer level).

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Beast shapers are proficient with druid weapons and all firearms. They are also proficient with light and medium armor, as well as shields (but not tower shields). This alters the giant robot’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Shifter Aspects (Su): Beginning at 1st level, a beast shaper can use spend its customizations on animal aspects, as a shifter of its giant robot level. At 10th level, it can spend a customization for chimeric aspect, and at 16th level, it can spend a customization for greater chimeric aspect.

Shifter Claws (Su): At 1st level, a beast shaper gains 2 claw attacks, which improve as a shifter of its giant robot level.

Wild Shape (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a beast shaper can assume the form of animals with which it is familiar. While in its animal form, the beast shaper can replace that creature’s natural armor with its armor bonus, if higher. If it later adds wild as a property to its armor, this bonus is ignored. This otherwise functions and progresses as the druid’s wild shape class feature through 18th level. At 20th level, a beast shaper can use its customization to become able to wild shape at will. This replaces the customization gained at 2nd level.